Posts Tagged “CA”

Represent LA

1/13/14   “Represent LA” 11″ x 14″ ink pen on paper, 2013   I represent Los Angeles from a point of my view and style of my art. This piece took me about 4 months and gave me a lot of thoughts of the making because this was probably the hardest piece I worked on […]

Umas in California カリフォルニアのユーマ

I found it when I went to desert in Apple Valley, CA a few years ago.  People started gathering and taking some pictures.   I found it when I when to forest in Yosemite, CA.  I saw when it camouflaged itself before it went into the forest.   I found it when I went to […]

New OKAINA products from Society 6

6/3/13 New OKAINA products form online store “Society 6” are available. California and Mexican flag’s T-shirts, laptop skin, and iPhone case.  Please visit here “OKAINA Society 6” to purchase and see more products.   オンラインストアの「Society 6 」からオリジナルのオカイナ商品が購入できます。 新作のカリフォルニア共和国デザインとメキシコの国旗をモチーフにしたノートパソコンスキン、T−シャツ、iPhoneケースなどなどあります。さらに商品を見たいかたらは上のオカイナSociety 6のリンクからどうぞ。